Before & After School

Our popular Breakfast Club and After School Club are held in the Small Hall where children can play games in a safe and supervised environment.

Both Clubs welcome all children from our Early Years Foundation Stages right up to Year 6 students.

The Breakfast Club is open from 7:30am every school morning and the following costs per child per day is:

Full Breakfast session 7:30am to 8:30am £6.00
Half Breakfast session 8:00am to 8:30am £3.00



Our After School Club is run by Planet Youth company

They offer a wide range of arts and crafts as well as the opportunity for your child to explore our school’s beautiful nature garden and take part in outdoor activities with our trained, warm and welcoming staff.

A variety of light healthy snacks are also offered and your child can attend either a half or a full session. For more information, please contact Leigh, the After School Club Play Leader via the school office. We look forward to welcoming you and your family.

The After School Club is open from 3:30pm to 6:00pm and the following costs per child per day is:

1st session 3:30pm to 4:30pm £6.50
2nd session 4:30pm to 6:00pm £6.50
Both sessions 3:30pm to 6:00pm £12.00