Ofsted Report 2023


Hollickwood Primary and Nursery School was last inspected in May 2023. We received an overall rating of ‘good’.

We were particularly proud that OFSTED recognised the happy and safe atmosphere in our school, the children’s positive behaviour, and our commitment to meeting the needs of all children including those with SEND.

“This is a friendly, welcoming and inclusive school that pupils enjoy attending.”

“Leaders have high expectations of all, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

“Pupils behave well. They are polite and respectful to adults and are kind and caring towards each other. Pupils behave extremely well in the classroom and are entirely focused on their learning.”

“Pupils with SEND are identified swiftly and supported effectively. Staff ensure that planning and resources are adapted appropriately to enable all pupils to access the same curriculum. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the wider life of the school.”

“Leaders are tenacious in their efforts to ensure that pupils are kept safe.”

Of course, there are always areas for further development and we fully agree with the target set for us which was:

“Some subjects are at an earlier stage of development. Leaders should ensure that teachers have sufficient training and support to strengthen their subject expertise to better implement the planned curriculum in these subjects.”

We have begun work on this in earnest and have further improved the quality of teaching and standards achieved in foundation subjects such as geography, design technology and history. Please visit the curriculum section of our website to find out more about this area of our work.

To read the latest report, please click on the OFSTED report.